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How BNCA Helps People

Gillian Guerin - David J. Solimine Sr. Honorary Scholarship Recipient

Dear Boston North Cancer Association,
"Thank you so much for awarding me the generous David J. Solimine Sr. Honorary Scholarship. It means so much more to me and my family..(click to read more)

Andrew Gibson - Hope Begins Here Scholarship Recipient

"I am honored to have the opportunity to share my story with the Boston North Cancer Association community. Receiving my scholarship in 2013 allowed me to leap over adversity and begin on the path to a successful career. My story starts...(click to read more)"

Erin Curley - Hope Begins Here Scholarship Recipient

"Anyone who knew my dad would describe him as an insightful, clever, and giving person. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it be offering his spot-on advice or help with your math homework. It only seems fitting for me to share a bit about my dad with all of you...(click to read more)"

Our Mission

The mission of the Boston North Cancer Association, Inc. is to fund and support special projects for the prevention, research, education and care of cancer to communities north of Boston.

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Boston North Cancer Association, Inc.
is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible.

Grants & Scholarships

Community Grants Program

The purpose of Boston North Cancer Association’s Community Grants Program is to help reduce the risk of cancer for all ages and to enhance the health and well-being of cancer patients, cancer survivors, and family members of those with cancer. To this end, BNCA is awarding up to $30,000 in grants to support community programs and resources for cancer prevention and education in communities north of Boston. Grants requests are limited to a maximum of $5,000, and only one application will be accepted per organization.

Click here for more information

Professional Development Grants Program

The purpose of Boston North Cancer Association’s Professional Development Grants Program is to improve the detection and treatment of cancer by funding educational and skills training opportunities for medical professionals who practice in communities North of Boston. In doing so, BNCA will help improve the health and well-being of cancer patients and cancer survivors. To this end, BNCA will award up to $10,000 in professional development grants.

Click here for more information


The Boston North Cancer Association sponsors a scholastic Scholarship Program designed to assist promising North Shore students in overcoming the challenges and hardships posed by cancer so they may achieve their dreams of higher education. The scholarship program also advances improved methods of cancer treatment and prevention by means of assisting medical school students. BNCA awards five $4,000 college scholarships and an $8,000 medical school scholarship in the spring of each year.

Click here for scholarship details and applications

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